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Women’s Empowerment Group

Held each Wednesday evening, 8:00pm-9:00pm, at the Fresh Start Women's Center, a 5th Judicial District facility. It is located next to Broadlawns Hospital. Call with questions: 515-633-7968.


Finding Your Voice

A five week class in the Polk County Jail where individuals work through negative feelings and thoughts, building self-confidence through written words and discussion. Developed by author Jennifer Lee. Facilitated by Ruth Hardin.


Understanding Grief

Beginning January 2016 in the Polk County Jail, a five week class that covers the five stages of grief and explains the difference between grieving and mourning. Facilitated by Bob Merkley.


Journaling—Writing to Save Your Life

Starting in March 2017 at the Polk County Jail, the Journaling class is a five week course based on a book and a seminar by Michele Weldon.



Crossroads of Iowa offers annual seminars in January, on Trauma and PTSD, CEU's are offered with the location at Windsor Presbyterian Church. Check out our event page for more information!



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